1949 - 1957

The Lone Ranger

Newest Episode: S01E52 - Double Jeopardy
The adventures of the masked hero and his Native American partner.
Neighbor Blanche Morton frequently joined Gracie in escapades which annoy hubby Harry and provides George with an opportunity to offer a humorous soliloquy.

The Master Mystery

Newest Episode: S01P20
Justice Department agent Quentin Locke must investigate a powerful cartel protected by a robot (here referred to as "The Automaton") and using a gas weapon "The Madagascar Madness".
Kit and his pal El Toro go all over the west securing justice for all (absolutely no connection with the historical character).

Mandrake and his assistant Lothar are working the cruise lines and make the acquaintance of Professor Houston who has developed a radium energy machine, which is much coveted by a masked Crime Lord known as "The Wasp".

1955 - 1960


Newest Episode: S01E26 - The Baby

A horse and the boy who loved him.

Robin of Loxley, otherwise known as Robin Hood, and his band of Merry Men protect England from the evil machinations of Prince John while King Richard the Lionheart is away fighting in the Crusades.

Set in the Louisiana Territory around 1830, wealthy planter Jim Bowie encounters many famous people in New Orleans or the backwoods, relying for protection on the knife he supposedly invented after his regular one broke in a fight with a grizzly.